HHH Case Manager Shedrick Fair exposes the FRAUD, abuse, and sinister natures…
LA County/Board of Supervisors-TOXIC FRAUD
Widely known since circa 2000 and before, the still active Anadite Superfund site has widely spread its contaminating TOXIC chemical plumes throughout the Downey area, and since 2000 when Rancho Los Amigos well #1 had to be shut down because of extraordinary and illegal levels of TOXIC chemicals, in the interim, and continuing to date, well #2 is barely able to be kept functioning, except for a technicality, by which the EPA has no ultimate control over private wells, and in spite of the hundreds of people daily exposed throughout the entire Rancho Los Amigos group of facilities…No one seems to give a damn or cares to give a flying F**K!!!
DECISION 2024…Just as Rosa Parks took the bold STAND, to SIT…We hope that each, and every, “legally – mandated reporter” will do what’s right, not simply in their own best interests, but the interests of The Many.
She achieved: “The American Dream”…Until It Was Ripped Out From Under Her Feet!!!
GREETINGS...Barberton’s past water quality still continues into the present per Environmental Working Group (EWG).